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Main Location:


(816) 718-6211


Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 10:00AM to 4:30PM

Friday & Saturday: Appointment Only

Sunday: Closed

Mobile appointments available everyday upon request

Contact Us

Contact us

Main Location:

101 S. Bridge St, Smithville, MO 64089

(816) 718-6211


Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 10:00AM to 4:30PM

Friday & Saturday: Appointment Only

Sunday: Closed

Mobile appointments available everyday upon request

Contact Us


August 14, 2023
Intravenous (IV) vitamin drip therapy is a safe and effective way to deliver nutrients, vitamins, and medications directly to your bloodstream. This technique bypasses the digestive system, thus all delivered supplements are available for immediate use. Not only does this method accelerate the effectiveness of supplements, but IV therapy also ensures almost 100% absorption for maximum effect and minimal waste. When supplements are taken orally, the digestive system metabolizes them and significantly reduces the amount of vitamins, nutrients, and medication that actually enters the bloodstream. Vitamin delivery via IV therapy allows the absorption of 99.9% of vitamins, delivering them straight into your bloodstream for maximum impact, compared to the 8% absorption that oral, tablet forms deliver. When you take a supplement pill it has to go through your stomach before it’s absorbed and your absorption rate is dependent on your gut health, your deficiencies, and how well your hormones are balanced. Through an IV drip, the nutritional value is added straight into your bloodstream, allowing your body to absorb instantly with optimum efficacy. Click here
By admin July 27, 2020
When it comes to anti-aging treatments, many people have experienced how BOTOX® can smooth fine wrinkles and make you look years younger. Dermal fillers can address what Botox can’t!!
By admin July 20, 2020
The best way to experience the benefits of massage is to try a half-hour or one-hour massage session for yourself.


August 14, 2023
Intravenous (IV) vitamin drip therapy is a safe and effective way to deliver nutrients, vitamins, and medications directly to your bloodstream. This technique bypasses the digestive system, thus all delivered supplements are available for immediate use. Not only does this method accelerate the effectiveness of supplements, but IV therapy also ensures almost 100% absorption for maximum effect and minimal waste. When supplements are taken orally, the digestive system metabolizes them and significantly reduces the amount of vitamins, nutrients, and medication that actually enters the bloodstream. Vitamin delivery via IV therapy allows the absorption of 99.9% of vitamins, delivering them straight into your bloodstream for maximum impact, compared to the 8% absorption that oral, tablet forms deliver. When you take a supplement pill it has to go through your stomach before it’s absorbed and your absorption rate is dependent on your gut health, your deficiencies, and how well your hormones are balanced. Through an IV drip, the nutritional value is added straight into your bloodstream, allowing your body to absorb instantly with optimum efficacy. Click here
By admin July 27, 2020
When it comes to anti-aging treatments, many people have experienced how BOTOX® can smooth fine wrinkles and make you look years younger. Dermal fillers can address what Botox can’t!!
By admin July 20, 2020
The best way to experience the benefits of massage is to try a half-hour or one-hour massage session for yourself.
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